This YouTuber Made The Iron Throne Out Of Legos And Like, Holy Shit

    Valar morghulis (especially after they step on a Lego).

    Attention: This is the Great Hall in the Red Keep at King's Landing, from Game of Thrones.

    And this is the Great Hall in the Red Keep at King's Landing, from Game of Thrones, made out of Lego.

    This particularly impressive feat of Lego-ry comes from YouTuber Tusserte, who designed and built the set himself.

    In the video, Tusserte reveals that the set was built with over 15,000 Legos, and it took 18 months total to digitally design and then build IRL.

    The Iron Throne is actually made entirely out of Lego swords and clips, which is pretty impressive.

    Tusserte even has the minifigs to re-enact Ned Stark's entrance into the Great Hall, which all of us would probably rather not think about.

    But we always welcome the chance to think about how that little punk Joffrey is gone.

    You can check out Tusserte's whole video for more details. Try not to get too excited, because July 16 is still more than a month away.

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