This Detail On "The Office" Will Make You Like, "Wow, I Had No Idea"

    This is a NEXT-LEVEL detail.

    If you're a fan of The Office, you're probably aware that Dwight liked to have bobbleheads on his desk. In Season 2, Angela even gets him a bobblehead of himself.

    For the most part, Dwight's bobbleheads are just players for local teams (like the Phillies) or players from the area, like basketball player and coach Gerry McNamara (who was born in Scranton).

    But there's one bobblehead that has LAYERS, man. It's this one, featured in Season 2, Episode 3. That's a bobblehead of Phillies player Mike Lieberthal.

    "So what?" you might be asking. WELL, check out Lieberthal's full name!


    So either this was a little Easter egg for viewers, or Dwight is such a brown-noser that he got a bobblehead named after his boss.

    H/T to tgamezz on r/TVDetails for spotting this!