23 Tumblr Posts About Food Network That'll Crack You Up

    Chopped is love. Chopped is life.

    1. When you start to think it's more about the backstories than the food:

    2. When you're suddenly convinced you're a gourmet chef:

    3. When you wonder what exactly snapped in Alton Brown's mind:

    4. And you can divide him up into his own alignment chart:

    5. When you're CERTAIN they must have known the ingredients in advance:

    6. When you've been watching so much that this is pretty much you every day:

    7. When you know what they're ~really~ talking about:

    8. When you can pick the right show depending on your mood:

    9. When the Chopped contestants try to add something when THERE'S ONLY LIKE 10 SECONDS LEFT:

    10. SERIOUSLY.

    11. Or worse, when they don't use the ingredients correctly:

    12. When one of the contestants is Italian:

    13. When you know which side you're on:

    14. When you can actually see this happening:

    15. When you've watched so much that you have your own ideas for shows:

    16. But you also know exactly how you would perform on a show:

    17. Yeah, this would definitely be you:

    18. When someone on Chopped makes the worst possible decision they can make:

    19. When there's always that one chef on Cutthroat Kitchen:

    20. And there's always this one on Chopped:

    21. Really, Cutthroat dishes are basically this every time:

    22. But you're always ready to make fun of the contestants, no matter how hard they have it:

    23. And above all, you know that Ted Allen is bae.