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People Are Sharing The Creepiest Rooms They've Ever Seen, And I'm Like NOPE

You won't catch me in any of these rooms.

1. This bathroom just feels like a trap. And is that a mysterious hole near the ceiling?

A long hallway with a toilet at the end

2. This hotel room's closet has a hidden hatch leading to a VERY dark secret room. I would run, screaming.

3. The Smile Room. That is all.

Entrance to "The Smile Room"

4. This alleged break room is 90% depressing and 10% an electrocution hazard.

A break room

5. You couldn't pay me to sleep in this "doll room" in the Reddit OP's mom's house.

A room filled with dolls

6. This dentist's office has some very ~specific~ ceiling art.

The ceiling of a dentist's office

7. This hostel's hallway is uncomfortably narrow AND poorly lit. Fun!

A dark, narrow hallway

8. This room feels like if I pick the wrong door, it leads to hell. Or something. Idk, I just don't like it.

A big empty room with two doorways on the far wall

9. In case you were wondering, here's what a giant Minions ad looks like when it's right outside your hotel room window.

A giant eyeball looking into someone's window

10. Note to self: Do not turn on heat lamp. Looks like we're summoning a demon in here.

A bathroom lit up with red light

11. The pool motif is one thing, but the swimming human? No, no, no.

A floor painted to look like someone is swimming under the toilet

12. Yes, that's all carpet. Yes, this is my nightmare.

A room decorated completely with carpet

13. This one's from an orthodontist's office. Can you tell?

Tile in a bathroom with teeth

14. There are only a few reasons why you would need a security camera pointing into a bathroom stall, and none of them are good.

A security camera in a bathroom

15. This is way too many mirrors for any room, much less a bathroom. Try saying "bloody Mary" three times in HERE.

A bathroom filled with mirrors

16. This was a piece of art in a doctor's office. Why? Who knows?

A framed photo in a doctor's office

17. And finally, this room isn't actually so bad, except for one tiiiiiiny detail.

A Pennywise mask hanging on the wall next to a broom

H/T: r/oddlyterrifying