People Are Sharing The Cute Things Their Exes Did That They Miss, And TBH, It's Cute As Heck

    Try not to text your ex after reading this post.

    There are many different kinds of exes. Most of them we want nothing to do with after the breakup.

    But sometimes, you have a situation where — while you're still glad you broke up — there's one particular thing your ex did that you look back on fondly. So, when redditor u/naviddunez asked the AskMen community, "What are some non-romantic things your ex did that you miss?" people responded with some stories that were surprisingly wholesome. Here are some of the best responses:

    1. "She'd play this game where we would be having a conversation and she'd hand me something completely random while I was distracted, and a few minutes later, she'd ask, 'Why are you holding that?' and I'd have no idea why. Then, she'd laugh and say, 'Gotcha again!' The first time she did that was on our first date so it really felt special whenever she did it."


    2. "I had an ex-girlfriend who would say 'who put that there?' whenever she bumped into anything that was clearly not small enough to 'put' there LOL."


    3. "These dumb and dorky celebration dances anytime she was happy. She gave me peace when I needed it. We both fucked up in so many ways, but it was real, and the great memories will always bring a smile to my face."


    4. "Sometimes, I'd get a random phone call in the middle of the day. Then, I'd hear her playing piano and singing on the other end."


    "How'd you manage to lose a Disney Princess?!"


    5. "She'd hold out her hand as if to give me something. Sometimes, it would be candy or something like that, but other times, she'd just hand me a piece of trash (think: empty sauce packet type of thing) and say, 'Go buy yourself something nice.'"


    6. "I had an ex who would sing in the shower, and she was a trained singer with a beautiful voice, so it was a joy to wake up to that."


    7. "She would put on The Clone Wars or some other show I love that she didn't, then about halfway through, would go take a nap. Woman would distract me like the toddler that I am to go take a damn nap."

    "After I realized what she did, I asked her about it, and she said she saw it in a meme and wanted to know if it would work. It did... like a charm. 😂😂😂"


    8. "One of my exes is a taxidermist and big into Vulture Culture. She was also slightly obsessed with corvids and would bring me little 'crow gifts' all the time. Just shiny things, cool rocks, bones, skulls, broken locks, little toys she found on her dog walks. I have a full ass wine box full of her crow gifts. I never open it, but knowing it's there and what it represented makes me smile from time to time."


    9. "We often played video games together (PS2, PC, Mac, etc.), and I was her 'INTELLIGENCE ANALYST' when she came across a situation that she couldn't overcome immediately. 'What do I do now, Intel?? Got it! Thanks, Intel!!' I really do miss that from her."


    10. "She was a complete dork, and I loved that about her (because I'm also a complete dork). Sometimes, if I was in a grumpy mood, she'd just look at me and with a straight face say, 'What's wrong, Mr. Grumpy Gills?' Didn't matter how gloomy I was being; that would just always make me laugh."


    11. "Anytime one of us would fart, the other would say, 'Did you say something?' and the response was, 'I love you.' The rest of the bullshit wasn't worth it, but that was cute."


    "My husband says, 'Who invited the goose?!” every time he lets a loud fart out. It’s so dumb and so endearing."


    "I can be by myself in the living room and fart, and I'll hear her scream from the other room, 'Bless you!'"


    "Whenever I fart, I say, 'What was that?' and she replies, 'I didn't hear anything.'"


    12. "I had one ex that used to hit me with the most rednecky 'watttterrrr yuuuuuuu dewinnnnnn!' then bust up laughing anytime I was doing something slightly wrong or goofy, etc. To this day, I catch myself saying it, like that, to other people and myself. It definitely always broke tension and gave me a good laugh."

    "My positive way of thinking about this stuff is: I'm little bits and pieces of anyone I've ever been friends with or dated, and I think that's kind of adorable (obviously not bad habits/traits you got from people...don't come for me)."


    13. "She knew every single line to the Muppets Christmas Carol. We watched it every year, and it put her in such a happy place to sing and quote that I really felt part of her inner world. I imagined her as a little kid just watching it over and over. Very sweet."


    14. "He would say a joke and then say, 'Get it? Cuz like' and overly explain the joke in an awkward Michael Cera way, and it was the cutest thing ever."


    15. "She would tell/ask for bedtime stories — except bedtime stories can be personal anecdotes. It was basically a way to tell little stories from any period of your life each night, and get to know each other in a deeper way. Something I'm definitely going to carry into future relationships."


    16. "My girlfriend through my late teens/early 20s used to do this almost unintentional cute little dance when she ate/drank something really tasty. It was like a cute little butt-wiggle thing. I think that may have been one of the things that made me love cooking. And I’m a chef. We lost contact, but I hope she’s doing well."


    17. "I miss the way my ex would say 'okay' cuz she jokingly would mock how those '90s valley girls said it."


    18. "When he talked about something he loved/was interested in, he would talk SO FAST. And in so much detail. I miss it sometimes."


    19. "I work nights — had an ex who would set an alarm to wake up when my shift ended and send me a text to wish me a safe walk home. She wouldn’t go back to bed until I was home, too. It was really sweet, and I miss it."


    20. "He used to dump all his freshly warm and toasty laundry on me while I was laying down, and he’d sit and fold his stuff while I’m extra cozy under the warmth."


    21. "One ex would always look at the sky at night and proudly exclaim 'I win!' when she saw the first star. Another would always compete to slap the visor when we rolled through a yellow light. Another ex would have a board game all set up and ready to play before I came over. Aw, thanks for the good memories."


    Do you have a story of something your ex used to do that you miss? Or, maybe your current partner does something that warms your heart? Let us know in the comments!