21 People Who Did Something They Thought Was Normal, But It Was Accidentally Hilarious

    Okay, but the "beefy drink" one, though... What is going on there?

    1. Gooooo tell it on the mouuuuntain:

    "Jesus Christ Is Born Hot Meatloaf"

    2. True, but I also can't sleep well if I've downed a whole bag of candy:

    A Virginia Woolf quote above some candy

    3. I hope they know they have the funniest exterminator ever:

    Our exterminator left his notebook at our house today and - literally - this was all he wrote down. pic.twitter.com/hRBFIO573b

    — Molly Oswaks (@mollyoswaks) December 8, 2023
    Twitter: @mollyoswaks

    4. Well, if Obama says so:

    "Oh my God Its an Amazing Hot Dog"

    5. "Hello, baby":


    6. Wahoo:


    7. If she already restarted, that's it. No other options, she's stuck with it now:

    "She restarted and it is still there."

    8. BEEFY:


    9. They look a tad shorter in concert:


    10. I will now be incorporating "way too sweet for Bob" into my daily vocabulary:

    "Way too sweet for Bob"

    11. What sells this for me is they're asking about this in the r/legaladvice subreddit:

    "Diarrhea in sensory deprivation tank"

    12. Deeply:

    "We are deeply out of Onions!"

    13. Yay, dirt!

    "I Bought Myself a Birthday Present"

    14. Youth pastor thought they did something here:

    "Jesus Jesus Jesus Jesus"

    15. Yoooo same:

    "I kissed a girl and I liked it then I went to hell"

    16. I don't know what kind of alien creature Ben is, but I'm glad he's having a good time:

    A dog in the air

    17. Woo hoo!

    "Woo hoo!"

    18. Dun dun DUNNNN:

    "A raccoon and a cat can be friends, but they can also be enemies."

    19. Ha, gottem:

    "In 2007, the popemobile..."

    20. 🌈✨:

    A rainbow on an assignment

    21. And finally, always send a thank-you note:

    "I'm grateful"