18 Photos That Are So, So, So Stupid But Make Me Laugh Every Time

    Clearly, my sense of humor is broken.

    1. 👍

    "Are u a construction worker? Because you are building"

    2. An experiment:


    3. And a happy new year!

    "Merry chrima"

    4. 👻

    "whomst. call? ghonstbubsters"

    5. Yes grandma.

    "Yes grandma"

    6. youkeepusingthatword.jpg

    "washington is so urethral"

    7. Can I get uhhhh...

    "Great uhhh"

    8. Uh oh.


    9. Me?


    10. Lol gottem.


    11. Scrimbled.

    "scrimbled milk. scramped"

    12. Me've don't think that's right.

    "me've ignore once grammar..."

    13. Thanks, ChatGPT.

    "Certainly, here's an ASCII art of the word 'ball'"

    14. SOUP.

    A coup that says SOUP

    15. 🎤

    A bunch of cans on a shelf saying, "NA"

    16. Eggs gotta be nicer.


    17. The Q stands for Qanadian.

    "Canadian applicant"

    18. And finally, Robert Pattinson.
