18 People Who Were So Wrong That I Just... *Defeated Sigh*

    It's that time again... Time to see how many people were confidently, hilariously wrong online this month.

    1. Bro thinks this is Macbeth or something:

    someone saying they were c-sectioned so they were never actually born

    2. This person got a series of texts from an acquaintance warning them about the emergency alert test. Thankfully, we did not all become zombies:

    someone saying for everyone to turn their phones off and put them in a car because the government is going to send codes
    person saying they heard about this through telegraph and rumble

    3. Turns out, political parties have not had the exact same views and values over the US's 250-year history!

    someone writing, wait til this kid find out what party ended slavery

    4. Wrong in the post AND in the comments, that's impressive:

    someone tries to correct a person's use of your with the wrong version

    5. Hey, I can solve the one question that scientists go to college for 12 years and work their whole life for. "How do you build a time machine?" Back to the Future... just watch it.

    what is the origin of earth, the bible just read it, see i saved you 300,000 dollars and avoided 12 years of school for nothing

    6. They were so close:

    someone replying to a math problem that the answer is 2

    7. When in doubt, cry-laughing emoji:

    person 1 saying there must be a creator who designed space because if the sun were to move just one inch we'd be screwed, and person 2 saying the sun moves more than that every year

    8. "My source is the Olympic flag, which is the definitive text on geographical divides, duh":

    someone arguing that there are only 5 continents because that's what the olympic symbol has

    9. "Spanking isn't corporal punishment, it's just spanking!" is the same as, "Hitting isn't hitting, it's just hitting!"

    someone arguing that spanking isn't considered corporal punishment even after a definition was given

    10. It's always the people who are against singular they/them that act like they're English professors all of a sudden:

    someone arguing about the use of they/them as singular and instead calling them somebody

    11. I always knew, as a young boy born in Michigan, that I was technically a Brit:

    someone's reasoning behind scotland and england being the same country is that they both speak english... so another person asks, so america is part of england too?

    12. Seriously, what is with people getting super confused by the UK?

    people confused that the UK is a group of countries, some saying it's not or else it'd be called a continent

    13. It is very much not like saying that:

    lazio is a part of italy and italy is a part of spain, which is part of europe

    14. Ah, YouTube comments:

    the earth and usa was created 2023 years ago, i doubt the shark was the first person allive

    15. Nature do be like that sometimes:

    paleontology hot take, they're just rocks

    16. Best. Reader context. Ever:

    tweet saying that god didn't make alcohol, it was created by fallen men, and a user added context saying, jesus turned water into wine

    17. This person really went from 0 to 100 right away:

    archeology don't do shit with skeletons, paleontology does

    18. And finally... I would love to hear this person's take on tomatoes:

    a berry is a berry and a fruit is a fruit