19 People Who Were So Wrong, All I Can Do Is Laugh (At Them)

    Somebody please take these people's phones away.

    1. Tell me you don't know what you're talking about without telling me you don't know what you're talking about.

    "You don't know what mRNA is do you?"

    2. Wait until this person hears about pickled onions, their head will explode.

    "Have you ever tasted a cucumber? Yeah, I don't think so"

    3. So... wait. Does this person think that Remy became a mouse when he went into the kitchen?

    "rates are outside mouses are inside"

    4. Coming Soon: A post entirely about men being ridiculously wrong about the clitoris.

    "The clit isn't a physical thing. It's a figure of speech."

    5. I hate to include anything with upsetting anti-trans rhetoric... but this one is just so embarrassing for this idiot, I thought I'd make an exception.

    "hij/hem is dutch for he/him lmao"

    6. And now, your regularly scheduled Flat Earther.

    "I know it's flat for sure"

    7. I've said it once, and I'll say it again: If you're going to incorrectly correct someone's grammar, at least try to avoid being smug about it.

    "OP, you know breathe and breath are 2 different words right? LOL"

    8. So close.

    "Why people here to correct me, even when my answer is right?"

    9. I'm not great at math OR geopolitics, but even I could smell BS here.

    "You're very confidently incorrect"

    10. "Mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell" was a whole-ass meme for years, and yet...

    "Mitochondria cells cover your whole vagina inside and out. Antibiotics destroy your mitochondria cells."

    11. We need better sex ed, and we need it now.

    "You shoulda learned this in middle school health class"

    12. That's not how the branches of government work. That IS how a dictatorship works, though!

    "No Federal agency and no act of congress has power here."

    13. That last sentence punched me right in the face.

    "They are to distract from the giants that were here"

    14. Fact: Saying "fact" at the end of your completely uninformed statement totally makes it a fact.

    "Many Southern generals couldn't have cared less about slavery, or fighting for it. Fact."

    15. When all the evidence is against you... just change the definitions of words!

    "... you seriously thought the flu shot was a vaccine all this time?"

    16. Yeah, yeah, blah blah, this person doesn't understand evolution. I'm more concerned about the full spelling-out of "laugh out loud."

    "laugh out loud, they turned into humans"

    17. "I have a degree in human biology."

    "This is caused more by no urination than hygiene."

    18. Stray dogs have to survive in dangerously harsh conditions; therefore, no dogs need any protection from the elements! (Seriously, though, give your dogs protection from the elements.)

    "dogs are dogs, they don't need us humans babying them and treating them as children. they're fine"

    19. And finally, here's a mess.

    "no, England is part of the UK"

    H/T to r/confidentlyincorrect and r/facepalm.