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Which Items Do You Always Buy At The Dollar Store, And Which Items Do You Never Buy There?

In times like these, knowing which products you can save money on is a life-changer.

One of the unspoken rules of shopping is that everyone has a list of products that they MUST buy brand-name, and a list of products that are fine to buy store-brand.

So, in this time when finances are tough, we want to know: Which items are the best ones to buy at the dollar store?

Customers walking through the parking lot of a Dollar Tree store

For example, I almost always buy cleaning rags or sponges at my local Dollar Tree, because I know it's going to be pretty much the same thing that I could get at another store, but wayyyy cheaper. Wrapping paper, gift bags, and other party supplies are other good ones, because they're probably going in the recycling or trash after use anyway.

An array of party supplies with a sign above that says "everything's $1"

However, I'm very particular about my soda, so I usually buy name-brand Diet Coke from the grocery store as opposed to off-brand stuff at dollar stores.

So, tell us: What are your go-to items at the dollar store? You can also tell us what you absolutely think is worth spending extra money on as well. If you want to stay anonymous, use this form. Your answers may be featured in an upcoming BuzzFeed Community post!