17 Screenshots Of People Having An IRL Character Arc

    People actually changing their opinion on the internet...a rarity.

    1. This guy, who learned very quickly that the house always wins:

    photo at a casino with text, i lost 3 grand

    2. This Redditor, who hadn't heard about the evil spotted lanternfly yet:

    closeup of a large winged bug

    3. This guy, who learned a little respect, hopefully:

    first message asks if he can send an inappropriate image and then says, congrats on beating elden ring

    4. This person, who learned an important lesson about edibles:

    this edible aint shit, and then a second message saying bro i feel like i've passed out a whole 24 hours

    5. This person, who talked a big game:

    updade i missed a flight two days ago

    6. This person, who made a fun discovery:

    message that's been edited says, i'm not gay, edit, nevermind i think i am gay, edit 2.0 it's been a year and i have a boyfriend thank you pyro for my homosexual awakening

    7. This flat Earther who really tells a story with their videos:

    first video says the earth is flat and then the last video says i am an ex flat earther

    8. This person, who realized their mistake:

    eyeliner is made to make art on the eyelid and someone asks, how did she put the makeup on her eye

    9. This responder, who either doesn't live in the US or is still on their parents' insurance:

    person asking why it would still cost money if you have insurance

    10. This person, who learned about TERFs:

    update: terfs aren't real feminists

    11. This person, who changed a lot over eight months:

    comments left 8 months apart saying they're sorry for being mean last time, they are now a nicer man

    12. This person, who learned a little kindness:

    person goes back and forth saying mean things and then apologizing

    13. This person, who came to their senses:

    person says nice ass and the other responds, no we shouldnt say that its harm

    14. This person, who started out complaining about a trans character in a video game...

    not cannon not transphobic but i don't like shit like this in games c'mon now

    ...but actually listened to a good argument:

    someone asks them how trans people are politcal

    15. This person, who decided to live their truth just 18 hours later:

    first photo of a banana dog decoration says i can't believe my wife said no to banana dog and the second photo has the decor strapped in a car with text, update i went back for banana dog

    16. This person, who now washes their rice:

    person first says why would people wash rice and then updates later to say, i have learned that my rice opinion is unbased and have learned a valuable lesson. i will wash my rice

    17. And finally, this wholesome character arc that makes me smile every time I see it:

    fruit pie with text i. hop ehtat one day i will finally be ok i'll make a cherry pie when it's all over, and then today is the day