Jason Momoa Slapped The "Game Of Thrones" Showrunner's Hands So Hard He Had To Go To The Hospital

    Do NOT challenge Khal Drogo in the Slap Game.

    Hi there. You're gonna need to know two people for this post, and if you're a Game of Thrones fan, you probably already do. On the left, GoT cocreator and showrunner David Benioff. On the right, Jason Momoa aka Khal Drogo.

    HBO has released a new series of shorts called Backstories, in which people behind HBO shows tell behind-the-scenes stories and it all gets animated. Benioff (along with cocreator D.B. Weiss) told a story about Momoa, and it is WILD.

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    Benioff set the scene: Back in Season 2, Jason Momoa came back to shoot some scenes for that House of the Undying sequence, so they had a bit of a mini-reunion...which involved lots of beer at a pub in Belfast with Momoa, Emilia Clarke (Daenerys), Alfie Allen (Theon), and others.

    Momoa claimed he was a master at the "Slap Game," wherein you slap the other person's hands as many times as you can until you miss. So Benioff actually CHALLENGED KHAL DROGO to a Slap Game showdown.

    Benioff got beaten. Badly. According to Weiss, he and Clarke looked over and could see that Benioff's hands were red and swollen.

    Benioff said he'd had a lot of beer so he didn't really notice, but when he woke up the next morning, he found that his hands were "doubled in size" and looked like "catcher's mitts."

    He flew back to LA and his wife, Amanda Peet, saw his hands and immediately drove him to the hospital. The doctor's diagnosis: Momoa had "squished" Benioff's hands.

    So listen, I'm not necessarily saying that Jason Momoa almost destroyed his boss's hands and Amanda Peet saved them, but I am kinda saying it.

    You can see more Backstories, including ones from Barry and Insecure, on HBO's YouTube channel.