Hold Onto Your Stick Shift, Because "Fast & Furious 9" Has A New Official Release Date

    *Makes engine noises and talks about family*

    It is a well-documented fact that the Fast & Furious movies are high among the cinematic greats of our time.

    WELL. Get ready, people, because the next movie in the series has an official release date!

    Yeah, I know, it was originally supposed to come out in 2019, but it got delayed.

    According to THR, most of the cast is set to return (including Vin Diesel), but Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson hasn't officially signed on yet.

    Mr. Rock, I know you're very busy, but do I need to drop some Fast & Furious quotes about family at you?

    Anyway. Cars. Explosions. Questionable physics. April 10, 2020. Be there.