These Gymnastics Fails Are Proof That Gymnasts Are Tough As Hell

    If any of these fails happened to me, I'd just be lying on the floor and crying.

    If you've ever watched gymnasts perform, you know that when they fall, they fall HARD,

    So when gymnasts started sharing their fails on Twitter and Instagram, people couldn't stop watching and wincing.

    A classic👏🏽 #gymnasticsfailchallenge

    Athletes are using #GymnasticsFailChallenge to share their own fails, and nominate others.

    #gymnasticsfailchallenge @rulesofgymnast oldie but a goodie

    These videos all prove one thing...

    I’ve had some requests to post my #gymnasticsfailchallenge video so here it is! Hope you enjoy😜

    ...Gymnasts are tough as HELL.

    No one tagged me in the #GymnasticsFailChallenge but I’m showing up anyway!!!!! Yes I was totally fine... I just kneed myself in the forehead and had a huge bruise on my knee 🤣

    Because I would be on the floor crying if anything like this happened to me.


    Here’s mine. Try not to forget that you’re strapped to a bar and this is not a great way to bail. #GymnasticsFailChallenge


    Kyla Ross isn't the only Olympian getting in on the challenge, as gold medalist Laurie Hernandez also shared this compilation:

    #GymnasticsFailChallenge ahhh yes. I was nominated for the fail challenge but please know... there are MANY more😂

    If anyone needs me I'll be sitting on my couch, staying far away from any balance beams.