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18 Dads That Prove Sexism And Toxic Masculinity Go Hand In Hand

Here's a quick tip: Don't threaten to shoot your daughter's teenage boyfriend.

Hi there. Are you a dad? Do you know a dad? If so, we need to talk about a truly disturbing trend: Dads threatening to murder their daughters' dates.

Do you know what I mean? That thing where dads act all tough when meeting their daughter's prom date or significant other or whatever. It sounds harmless, but it's actually horrifying. Here are some examples of what I mean:

1. This dad "joked" about murdering his future son-in-law with a shotgun if the guy dared to go into his fiancé's room:

A sleeping bag and shotgun lying in a hallway between two bedrooms with text from a social media post from a dad about how he's going to sleep there to keep his daughter and her fiancé separated

2. This super-fun dad claims he found the guy who stole his daughter's bike and put a knife to his neck:

A YouTube comment from a guy claiming he tracked down the guy who stole his daughter's bike and held a knife to his neck demanding it back

3. The poor child involved here isn't even dating this guy's daughter, and yet this grown man is joking about killing him. I mean, they're in school, so presumably this is a MINOR he's talking about!

A man holding a shotgun while sitting in his truck with a caption saying his daughter likes a boy in her school so he's picking them up for lunch

4. This Certified Badass™ doesn't even need a gun to hurt a child!

A text post with a dad saying "I calmly let the prospective boyfriends know that I was trained to kill by the best military in the world and I was pretty damn good at it"

5. OK, threatening the safety of another human being — much less a minor — aside, let's talk about what this means for the daughters in these scenarios. So, these dads are reinforcing the sexist and outmoded concept of virginity:

A man wearing a shirt that says "DADD Dads Against Daughters Dating, shoot the first one and the word will spread"

6. While ALSO implying that women are weak and unable to manage their own lives and relationships:

A girl in a dress surrounded by three men holding guns with a Facebook caption that reads "Uncle, dad and brother waiting for the prom date to arrive"

7. So of course they need a man to tell them what they can and can't do with their bodies:

A screenshot of a TikTok video with a guy in a suit holding a bat and a caption that reads "when the boy picking up my daughter honks for her to come to the car"

8. This dad shot up a $2,000 laptop that belonged to a school, which is a totally normal and not-batshit thing to do:

A Facebook post showing a Macbook with bullet holes in it and a caption from the dad saying his daughter was messaging a boy on this school computer

9. This one has strong "that happened" energy:

A Facebook post from a dad retelling what he claims to be a real conversation where he threatened a teen

10. This dad needs THREE guns to defend himself from teenagers!

A tweet that says "prepared for when my daughter starts dating" with a photo of a handgun and two semi-automatics

11. Apparently, the threats extend to 4-year-olds who give Valentine's Day cards. Funny!

A tweet from a dad posting a photo of himself in military uniform holding an assault rifle to threaten a boy who gave his 4-year-old daughter a Valentine's Day card

12. This one is just INCREDIBLY UNSAFE, GOOD GOD:

A photo of a dad holding a baby in a wearable baby carrier that also has holsters for a knife and a handgun

13. This guy had me in the first half, not gonna lie...

A post saying "As the father of a 12 year old girl I would never use a pistol on a boy, too freaking loud, but the crack of a bat against the back of a skull hardly makes a sound"


15. While making this post, I've come across a lot of dads saying, "Whatever you do to her, I'm gonna do to you," which has some horrifying implications that I don't think they thought through:

A dad wearing a shirt with "rules for dating my daughter" written on the back

16. Clearly, some of these men saw Bad Boys II and interpreted a heightened comedic scene in a movie as something they should do in real life:

A tweet of a dad holding a handgun while posing with his daughter and her prom date that is hashtagged #BadBoys

17. If for some godforsaken reason you decide to pose one of these photos, DO NOT POINT A GUN AT A PERSON:

Another dad posing with his daughter and her date, but this dad is holding a large shotgun that is actually pointed right at the date

18. In short, this crap is toxic masculinity to the max, it ain't cute, and y'all need to grow up. At least try to be more like the last guy here:

A series of Facebook comments of people sharing what they say to boys dating their daughters