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17 People Who Stepped Up To The Mic, Tapped It, Took A Deep Breath, And Said The Most Confidently Wrong Thing Possible

Reddit's Law: In any online discussion, there is a 100% chance that there will be one person who thinks they know everything, but is completely wrong.

1. It is a direction...that often indicates the location of a country.

"that ain't a country that's a direction"

2. It's the all-caps and laughing that really make this.

"They don't have have organelles and a nucleus and don't divide."

3. Fun fact, it might have actually been a reference to pesos!

"The dollar symbol, $, is perhaps the most recognizable in the world..."

4. Speaking of coins...

"That's why you need to KNOW math"

5. Never mind the wide natural variety in people's physiology, it's all in your head, bro.

"Nah the average person's physical cardiovascular endurance is not that good, it's not a mental thing"

6. Bloodletting? Is this person a time traveler from the 1600s?

"Nothing can enter your blood stream if you let it bleed."

7. Just spitballing here, but could it be because we eradicated it through the use of vaccines?

"Literally never seen a smallpox case in my life."

8. "Americans wrote the dictionary."

"bruh we wrote the dictionary"

9. To be fair, they do call sweaters "jumpers," so it's basically a different language.

"no you speak British I'm french not stupid"

10. So, this is how I learn that George Washington likely had melanoma?

"George Washington *literally* had skin cancer."

11. "Milk isn't dairy." Yeah, tell that to my stomach when I get a milkshake and forget to take my Lactaid.

"In America we do things the right way"

12. Never seen someone so scared of a spice before.

"we can tell that's not a piece of plastic, but a cinnamon stick..."

13. *Incorrect buzzer sound*

"U can't blame that on me frfr"

14. I'm dying to know what the implication is behind putting "microscope" in quotes.

"Have you ever seen one without the aid of a 'microscope?'"

15. Tell that to the International Union of Railways.

"Lol it would still take all day to get from Toronto to NYC on a train or 45 minutes to fly."

16. "YouTube is preventing me from educating you further on this" is a sentence that is making my brain ooze out of my ears.

"Asexuals aren't going to be any less real no matter how many times you say this"

17. And finally... I like the simplicity of this one.

"Texas is like twice the size of Europe alone."