19 Pictures That Absolutely Scream "Straight People Culture"

    Seriously, everybody in this post needs therapy.

    1. Sorry kids, these are your only options in life:

    sign reading touchdowns or tutus

    2. "I cannot stress enough that he is 2."

    CW: yeah but like he tOTALLY has a crush right???
    Me: so like the only words he says are cow, truck, and dinosaur and also he's 2

    — mom streeter (@ccstreeter) April 6, 2016
    Twitter: @ccstreeter

    3. Again, we do not need to be doing this to toddlers:

    a no boyfriend contract made by the dad for his young daughter

    4. 💕 Sorry boys, my daddy is creepily controlling and misogynistic! 💕

    sorry boys, daddy said i can't date

    5. Okay, no more of the "literal toddlers dating" ones, because I can't take it anymore...

    moms hold magical mini-wedding photo shoot for their kids who love hanging out together

    6. Let's move on to this! Get it? Because everybody hates their spouse!

    marriage because your shitty day doesn't have to end at work

    7. Hyuck hyuck!

    meme of a guy upset about having a wife with the same day off as him

    8. "Har har wife bad."

    you can have 10 billion dollars but you can never have sex again would you accept this deal

    9. "Fwd: Fwd: Re: Fwd: thought u might find this funny!"

    person saying people that don't get headaches must not be married

    10. Just the fact that cake toppers like these exist is sad:

    cake topper of a bride dragging a groom who is trying to binge-watch tv

    11. Let's change gears. Here's a straight coworker who turned down a beautiful gift because...it's in rainbow colors?

    someone saying they're heartbroken and disgusted

    12. Imagine being against gay marriage but pro-THIS:

    person saying that a family tried to set him up with a 19 year old woman even though he's gay and 34 years old

    13. Oh, and let's not forget the ol' "fellas, is it gay to ____?"

    is it weird to sing if you're a guy

    14. Ugh. Let's go back to the "I hate my spouse" memes, they're less depressing:

    someone relating lord of the rings to being married

    15. Except when they're literally joking about MURDERING your spouse:

    being married, you wish you had a club and a spade

    16. Cheating is fun too!

    everytime i find mr. right my husband scares him off

    17. This seems like a healthy, not-toxic-at-all relationship:

    his and her glasses that read i do and i do what she says

    18. "I hate my husband so much, I need to tell people about it using my socks!"

    my husband and i were happy for 20 years and then we met

    19. In short, I say to all my fellow straights out there: it doesn't have to be like this!

    halloween decor is just a set up of people at the alter getting married

    H/T to r/AreTheStraightsOK