26 Hilariously Clever "American Dad" Moments

    Not including basically everything Roger has ever done or said.

    1. When Roger accidentally took some kids for a ride.

    2. When the show pretty much summed up Florida.

    3. And summed up every freshman Psychology major.

    4. When Roger's dress was a different color in proper lighting.

    5. When the book title running gag came back...

    6. ...again...

    7. ...and again.

    8. Basically every time the paper gag showed up in the opening credits...

    9. ...because it always nails it.

    10. Every time nobody could understand Toshi...

    11. ...and it led to some pretty great moments.

    12. When Roger burned Steve in a way that all gamers will understand.

    13. And when he summed up what you feel like when your internet cuts out.

    14. When the show summed up marijuana pretty well.

    15. And when high Stan was the best Stan.


    16. When Steve's nerdiness was next-level.

    17. When Stan's attempts at cooking were a little too relatable.

    18. When the show's sight gags were just top-notch...

    19. ...even the ones that you have to look pretty hard to spot.

    20. When the show took Pixar down a peg.

    21. And when it dropped this joke, which takes a second to get.

    22. Even minor characters have their moments, like this one.

    23. And just when you think a joke is going one way, it takes a turn.

    24. The meta moments are great as well...

    25. ...especially this fourth-wall-breaking moment with Bullock (who is of course voiced by Patrick Stewart).

    26. But really, we're just here for Roger. Always.