17 Posts For '90s Kids Who Are Feeling The Relentless March Toward Old Age

    I'm getting old, and I feel personally attacked by all these posts.

    1. Admit it: You're going to think that 2006 was five years ago until you're 90.

    2. I hate to alarm you, but kids are making memes about stuff that I don't even recognize.

    3. It might cause you distress to know that babies are doing this.

    4. Hey, remember how we lived through not one, not two, but THREE generations of home video sale formats?

    5. And let's not even talk about how different it is connecting to the internet.

    6. I'm so, so sorry to tell you this, but "Semi-Charmed Life" is now an oldie.

    7. So is "Wannabe."

    8. OH MY GOD, SUM 41 TOO???

    9. It's now been 23 years since The Lion King came out.

    10. But things are better now, right? NO, HAHAHA.

    11. In fact, the world is in a terrible mess!

    12. The American Dream is dead!

    13. We're closer to The Running Man than Star Trek!

    14. And we keep aging!

    15. And so does Will Smith!

    16. But at least we don't dress like we're in the '90s anymore.


    Or the '00s.

    17. Anyway, the '90s started almost 30 years ago, have a nice day.