People Are Sharing Things We Were Taught To Worry About As Children That Aren't Actually A Big Deal, And I Feel Betrayed

    "I really thought the Bermuda Triangle would play a stronger role in adulthood."

    When you're growing up, your parents tell you all sorts of stuff to get you to behave.

    It turns out, a lot of what they say seems to be a universal experience. Recently, Reddit user u/Marshalljoe asked, "What is something that you were warned about when you were younger that you now feel was exaggerated?" Here are 15 of the funniest and most accurate responses.

    1. Permanent records.

    2. Being lost in the wilderness.

    3. Swallowing gum or watermelon seeds.

    Swallowing-gum meme

    4. The Bermuda Triangle

    5. That sixth grade would be the biggest challenge of your life.

    Three middle school boys looking scared at school

    6. Being forced to constantly "stop, drop, and roll."

    Homer Simpson rolling on the ground to put out fire

    7. That bad things happen only after midnight.

    "I also like to live dangerously" meme

    8. That talking to anyone online is dangerous.

    9. MLA format.

    Paper with highlighter trace

    10. Turning on the car light at night.

    Mitchell from Modern Family looking at back of car annoyed with caption "Turn it off!"

    11. Getting randomly caught in quicksand.

    Man struggling in quicsand

    12. That cracking knuckles causes arthritis.

    13. That having bad handwriting would seriously inhibit your career.

    Bad handwriting on notebook paper

    14. That mental math was a necessity.

    Man trying to do mental math and looking confused

    15. That your face could get "stuck" if you make funny faces too often.

    Britney Spears making a confused face

    What other worries from your childhood have not transitioned into adulthood? Let us know in the comments below.