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I Ranked 23 Pickup Lines I've Gotten From LA Men From "Immediately No" To "Be There In 5"

"Did you know pigeons die after sex?"

Hi, hello. If you, too, are single and struggling, you might be entitled to financial compensation.

Karen raising her hand in Mean Girls

JK. But we can at least bond over our shared dating app trauma.

I recently moved to LA and was bright-eyed and naive in thinking that moving from one city on the East Coast (DC) to a larger city (LA) would mean a better dating pool.

So, as my own form of therapy and to hopefully provide comfort to others who are struggling on dating apps, here's a ranking of the best and worst pickup lines I've received from boys on Tinder.

23. The overly intimate greeting:

hi bb

22. The unintelligible opener:

Hi [smiling emoji with tongue out] cute

21. The problematic one-liner:

is your last name Hussein? Cuz you Saddam sexy

20. Come again?

give me your top & bottom few

19. The "let's gets down to business":

Let's skip the small, tell me something interesting

18. The wanna be relatable type:

How often do people misspell your name

17. I...

Hoping this is the worst you've ever received but giving you a heads up that it's a joke :) Did you know pigeons die after sex?

16. Not quite sure what this means...

Oh yum

15. The flirty, but serious:

Damn she my type [winking emoji] How's your Tuesday evening going

14. The straight facts:

Holy [mind blown emoji] You're absolutely gorgeous I don't have a man bun but flying back to LA from NYC tonight- lemme buy you a drink when I'm back?

13. The red flag:

You look too happy in your pics. You need some toxic [devil emoji]

12. The "I'm so quirky and random" opener:

Goooooooood morning! What was the last thing that made you laugh really hard?

11. The conversationalist:

Andria, what's something under $10 that brings you joy? It can be anything

10. The straightforward conversationalist:

Hey're a journalist? Really? What was the nearest experience you've had as a journalist?

9. The "tries to be sexy":

Hey andria (: you look like a good girl but every good girl has a bad side. Am I right?

8. The innocent fun:

Hey good morning Andria! Random question but on a scale from 1-10 how spontaneous are you?!

7. The serious romantic:

First thing that comes to mind: 1. Beach w/ bottle of wine or bar/club scene? 2. Ham & Cheese hot pockets or sausage pizza hot pockets? 3. Dog person or cat person? 4. Horror movies or comedy movies? 5. Korean BBQ or LA street Tacos?

6. The booty boi:

I don't have a man bun but I've got some pretty good man buns [peach emoji]

5. The type that forces you to engage:

The person asks "Can I be honest" to which Andria says "Always". The person then replies "You look like the right mixture of fun and trouble"

4. The personality complimenter:

I feel like you're the fun/crazy one of the friend group

3. The witty banter:

I'm Eugene Lee's long lost brother

2. Just an excellent pickup line, tbh:

Are you a bank  loan? Because you have my interest

1. And finally, the spot-on hype man:

How's that Pulitzer coming along :)

What are some of the best or worst pickup lines you've received? Let me know in the comments below so we can all cry through our tears!