24 Uncomfortable Situations For People Who Despise Spontaneity

    It's not "missing out" if you didn't want to be there in the first place.

    1. Being asked to hang out after you just settled in at home.

    2. Attempting a grand romantic gesture.

    3. Being the victim of a prank.

    4. Any interaction that begins with the words, "change of plans."

    5. When your friend in a different city asks you to visit them.

    6. Or when your friend in a different city asks if they can stay with you for "a couple of days."

    7. Really, anything that will keep you up past your carefully scheduled bedtime.

    8. When someone tries to talk you into skipping class with them.

    9. When something beyond your control prevents you from buying the brand you're comfortable with.

    10. Road trips.

    11. When a stranger tries to make small talk.

    12. Or when a distant acquaintance tries to take your friendship to the next level.

    13. When your friends want to go to a different bar.

    14. When someone wants to sneak into a different movie.

    15. Being the ~lucky~ recipient of a surprise party.

    16. Birthdays, generally.

    17. Going to a restaurant you know nothing about.

    18. When your doorbell rings and you're not expecting anyone.

    19. Getting a call from a restricted number.

    20. When someone tries to talk you into "exploring."

    21. Really anything that might be considered an "adventure."

    22. When someone checks your iTunes play count.

    23. When someone uses the justification "you only live once" to try to get you to participate in their madness.

    24. And there's nothing worse than being told to "be more spontaneous."