Everyone Makes Them, But These 22 Mistakes Are Unforgivable

    Un πŸ‘ for πŸ‘ giv πŸ‘ a πŸ‘ ble πŸ‘

    1. This extremely unfortunate typo:

    2. And also this unfortunate β€” though not as bad as the first one β€” typo:

    3. This false advertising:

    4. This head-scratching ad:

    5. This disappointing tweet β€” and sorry doesn't cut it:

    6. This very consequential error:

    7. These horrifying movie titles:

    8. How I Bang Your Mother:

    9. This very hungry state trooper:

    10. This strange weather forecast:

    11. This accidental insult:

    12. This spunoW:

    13. This improperly positioned staircase:

    14. This uninviting toilet seat:

    15. This sad case of AAA-ception:

    16. This messy mixup:

    17. This misunderstanding:

    18. This shady placement:

    19. This lie:

    20. This whole situation:

    21. This mess, which is literally written in stone:

    22. And finally, this egg shell eater: