24 Signs You Grew Up A Video Game Junkie

    Back, back, forward, square, circle, up, down, bro.

    1. Forget about getting grounded. It was getting your games taken away that REALLY hurt.

    2. Birthdays were TENSE. If you got anything other than that new game, you'd have to put on your very best fake smile.

    3. Every device and gadget you could find was an opportunity for gaming.

    4. You can definitely name twice as many original Pokémon than elements on the periodic table.

    5. There was a time when these were the best graphics you've ever seen.

    6. If you didn't bring an extra controller to your friend's house, you were sitting on the sidelines.

    7. Consequently, sleepovers involved very little sleeping.

    8. Trips to Blockbuster were sacred.

    9. A world without second chances is no world you wanted to live in.

    10. Halloween was your only opportunity to dress like your true self.

    11. You studied cheat codes more than your textbooks.

    12. All experienced cheaters had Gamesharks. Fuck you, Zelda! You don't own me.

    13. You wistfully remember a time when Mortal Kombat was considered "controversial."

    14. And when there was no greater real-life rivalry than the one between Nintendo 64 and the Playstation One.

    15. You basically have a vitamin D deficiency because you never got sun during those long summer days.

    16. You know screen-hopping is for cheaters, plain and simple.

    17. Cords had a mind of their own and trying to untangle them was a pointless endeavor.

    18. Mario Kart abruptly ended a few friendships. It showed you people's true colors.

    "Don't red shell me, bro."

    19. And you MIGHT have broken a controller or two in frustration.

    20. The first time you played Grand Theft Auto, it looked really stupid and was difficult to navigate.

    21. You knew EXACTLY how long your batteries would fuel your Gameboy, right down to the day.

    22. And you vividly remember having to frantically save right before the batteries died.

    23. Making room on your memory card was the most difficult decision you've ever had to make.

    24. And most importantly, you were blowing game cartridges since before they were making t-shirts about it.