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    12 Of Murray Gold's Best Themes For Doctor Who

    Since revived series premiered in 2005, English composer Murray Gold has used his talents to infuse each episode with a sense of adventure and emotion. With the new season finally here, it's a good time to look back at 12 of his best themes from the seven previous seasons. Picking just 12 isn't easy to do, though.

    1. I Am The Doctor


    Gold introduced "I am the Doctor" in "The Eleventh Hour," Matt Smith's premier episode. Since then it's become almost as essential as the show's 50-year-old theme song. Like Smith's Doctor, it's swift, energetic, and not afraid to go big--adventure personified in song. And once it's in your head, just try getting it out.

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    2. The Doctor's Theme


    The Doctor has had other themes over the years, including "The Doctor's Theme," from David Tennant's last full season. Like "I Am the Doctor," it goes big, and it's perfectly in character with season four's ambitious arc.

    3. Rose's Theme


    While not my favorite companion theme, it's an essential pick for two reasons: 1) For the way it sums up the emotional sweep of Rose's arc (just try listening to it without thinking of this):

    And 2) it also sets the stage for other companion themes, like...

    4. Amy's Theme


    The Doctor and Amy Pond's storyline always had the feel of a fairy tale, something that comes through nicely in her dreamy, melancholic theme, which was also introduced in season five's "The Eleventh Hour."

    5. This Is Gallifrey: Our Childhood, Our Home


    With the return of The Master, the Doctor's long-standing nemesis, in season three, the Face of Boe's prophecy was proved right: he was not alone. And with The Master's return, Gold had the chance to create this powerful theme centered on Gallifrey, their home planet.

    6. Midnight


    "Midnight" is one of the most intense episodes in the revived series, and it gets much of that intensity from its theme. I've lost count of how many times I've listened to it, but those furious horns at the end always give me goosebumps.

    7. Songs Of Captivity And Freedom / Song Of Freedom


    At the other end of the spectrum, but also from season four, is "Song of Freedom," in two varieties: one slower and sadder and the other uplifting. If you need a refresher on where this one shows up, it's in this climactic moment from "Journey's End."

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    8. The Vampires Of Venice


    "The Vampires of Venice" isn't a standout episode, but the theme for it always gets my attention when it comes on. Consider it a case of Murray enriching what has always seemed to me like fairly serviceable material.

    9. The Sad Man With A Box


    Coming at the end of season five, "The Sad Man with a Box" mixes "I Am the Doctor" with "The Mad Man in a Box," beautifully summing up Smith's first season as the Doctor in a single piece.

    10. Melody Pond


    The sixth season presented one mystery after another: Who killed the Doctor? Why? Who are The Silence? And why does that lady with the eye patch want Amy's baby? Answers came in due time, but not before another long-running question was answered: Who exactly is River Song? Whether you liked the answer or not, the song accompanying that revelation (from "A Good Man Goes to War") is a standout piece of work.

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    11. Forgiven


    "Forgiven" is a short one, but it builds to a beautifully realized climax, accompanying one of my favorite moments from season six, when River puts time and space in danger by changing the Doctor's future:

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    12. A Secret He Will Take To His Grave


    I can't listen to this one without thinking of Smith's excellent performance in season seven's "The Name of the Doctor." This song, combined with the look in his eyes at the mention of Trenzalore, gets me every time.

    Do you have a favorite theme that didn't make the list?