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    Learn How To Make A Minecraft Server

    Anyone can learn how to make a minecraft server and it makes the game even more entertaining. Playing with your friends on your own server unlocks even more features to the already never ending game.

    Before you setup the server you need to acquire the files, you can easily download them here. Once you have the file on your computer put it in a new folder, run it and let it complete. Now a few more files should have been created in the same folder.

    To make yourself an admin open up the ops.txt and type in your own username. You can have as many admins as you want by simply putting one per line. If you want to edit further settings you can open up the and edit the lines you want. Most of the lines are self-explanatory.

    Now after you've learned how to make a minecraft server you can invite your friends. People from outside your own network has to connect through your external IP, which you can find here. If your friends are having troubles connecting to your server you may have to forward the port you've chosen in your settings files.

    You are now done and ready to play minecraft with your friends on your own server. Simply run the server file and let it complete. This window is the server and if you terminate it the server will shut down.