16 Powerful Illustrations And Artworks Made In Tribute To India's Olympic Athletes

    118 athletes represented India at the Rio Olympics 2016, and there’s been heartbreak, resilience, and occasional tastes of victory. Here at home, artists have been paying tribute to the biggest moments, from Dipa Karmakar’s fourth place finish to Sakshi Malik's bronze.


    Dipa, you're already a winner, beyond medals! #DipaKarmakar

    Satish Acharya / Via Twitter: @satishacharya


    FIRST MEDAL IN RIO OLMYPICS, 2016. Sakshi Malik wins bronze. Hats off to her :D

    All India Bakchod / Via Twitter: @AllIndiaBakchod


    Kidambi goes down fighting his idol Lin Dan! Sify cartoon. #Kidambi #LinDan
