Watch A Lifelike Portrait Of Emma Watson Come Alive In This Artist's Timelapse


    Nehaal Gonsalves, a Goa-based architect, creates amazingly realistic drawings of celebrities.

    Gonsalves began this painting “to learn about beauty and why certain people appeal to me,” he told BuzzFeed.

    For his latest project, Gonsalves decided to capture a celebrity he had drawn before but wanted to revisit – Emma Watson.

    She’s a constant inspiration to people. Her work for the U.N. and the "He for She" programme is setting a really great example for people. I’m pretty sure Hermione was my first crush growing up, and Emma kinda still is,” he said.

    This time around, he uploaded a video of the entire process of how he brings his creations to life.

    Facebook: video.php

    "I slowly started getting better at it, and people started doubting the authenticity of what I was doing, so I started recording my process and hopefully help people starting out so that they can see how I do what I do. I'm still in the process of learning it though," Gonsalves told BuzzFeed.

    Here's the completed piece.

    You can check out more of his awesome artwork here.