15 Flash Fiction Stories That Are So Bad That They're Actually Good


    Adhiraj Singh, a Mumbai-based creative producer, recently uploaded an album called Terribly Tatti Tales on Facebook. The page is a parody of Terrible Tiny Tales, a Facebook page that collates and posts flash fiction.

    Singh told BuzzFeed that he started making these parody stories because he was "pissed off at all the shitty flash fiction" out there. He admitted that he continued doing it for "the lolz".

    Though the page has only existed for a day, Singh has already run into issues with his crowdsource model; "People keep sending in their own tatti ideas and it's weird to tell them their ideas are not tatti enough," he lamented.

    Here are some of the stories he's uploaded so far:

    You can follow Terribly Tatti Tales here.