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J.K. Rowling Apologised For Killing Off One Of Your Favourite "Harry Potter" Characters

And it's about time.

J.K. Rowling made everyone's childhood a little better by introducing us to the magical world of Harry Potter.

On May 2, the 17th anniversary of the Battle of Hogwarts, Rowling tweeted an apology for killing of one of Harry Potter's most beloved characters.

Today I would just like to say: I'm really sorry about Fred. *Bows head in acceptance of your reasonable ire*

It incited a lot of feelings from Potterheads.

One of the fans even asked about Tonks and Lupin.

To which Rowling answered:

.@Brieuc26Rankin I thought I might apologise for one death per anniversary. Fred was the worst for me, so I started with him.

We're right there with you, Rowling.