Read This Moving "Humans Of New York" Story Of A Widow Who Found Empowerment In America

    Probably the one picture you should see from the Met Gala.

    Brandon Stanton, the photographer behind Humans Of New York, attended the Met Gala to talk to a whole bunch of interesting people.

    One story in particular is about an Indian woman who, after her husband’s death, learned for the first time how to provide for her family.

    She said in the post:

    "I grew up in India where a woman got married, settled down, and kept a house. I never thought I'd do anything different. I lived a very sheltered existence. I went to a British school, then a women's college, and then I met my husband. I assumed that I'd be taken care of for the rest of my life. But shortly after we came to America, my husband slipped into a coma and lingered for another fifteen years. We had a small child at the time. I'd never worked before, except for a part-time job in the bookshop at the Met. I was a very quiet person. And suddenly I had to make all of the decisions. I had to get a full time job. It was empowering. I learned that I could be fearless, I could be angry, and I could fight. These were three things that I'd never had to do before. I was thinking recently, that if my husband had lived, he might not have liked who I've become."