This Guy Reimagined Superman As A Pakistani And Muslim, Fighting A Different Kind Of War

    "The story starts small and grows more political, dealing with terrorism, drone warfare, the relationship between Islam and the West. I’ve also rooted the story in Islamic mythology in some ways too."

    Kumail Rizvi, an architect and illustrator from London, has been working on a long-time project reimagining Superman as landing in Pakistan, rather than Kansas.

    Rizvi started the project in October 2015.

    Rizvi had the idea to retcon the world's most popular superhero's origins after there were US drone strikes in Pakistan, resulting in the deaths of many.

    "I was talking to a friend and said 'if Superman was Pakistani, that just wouldn’t happen'," Rizvi told BuzzFeed. "The idea stuck in my head and kept evolving from then on till I just decided I had to make it."

    Rizvi said he doesn't want to spoil much, but in his version, Kal-El lands in Pakistan, grows up as a Muslim, and has a human sister named Kara.

    "The story starts small and grows more political, dealing with terrorism, drone warfare, the relationship between Islam and the West," Rizvi said. "I’ve also rooted the story in Islamic mythology in some ways too. Through all that I’ve tried to hold on to the core idea of Superman, and I hope that comes through."

    There are 13 chapters that round up the first story arc. And Rizvi has written out three more complete story arcs. Check out the released issues here.