25 Stages Of Getting Your Board Exam Results

    The most stressful day of your life.

    1. You wake up, thinking it's just another day...

    2. ... Until you realise that it's D-day.

    3. Panic starts to take over your mind.

    4. You jump out of bed, and decide to calmly go through your old question papers, trying to figure out what percentage you'll actually get.

    5. But that lasts for like 5 seconds before diving right back into panic mode.

    6. You walk out of your room to find your parents waiting eagerly at the computer.

    7. You take a breath, and log on...

    8. But then the site refuses to open, and you're sure you've failed.

    9. Your best friend, knowing you'd be freaking out, calls you and explains they have the same problem.

    10. Okay, you've refreshed the page like a bazillion times, and resigned to the fact that the results are probably not up yet.

    11. At this point the pressure is kinda getting to you.

    12. Finally, you can log on to the site, and it STILL TAKES FOREVER TO LOAD WTF.

    13. At this point, you may say "FUCK THIS" and head to school to find out in person.

    14. If so, you sit down in the classroom and wait for the teacher to call your name with a giant butterfly population chillin' in your stomach.

    15. And whether you're waiting at your computer or in your classroom, you're basically on the verge of passing out.

    16. Okay, it's the moment of truth. You've either nailed it, and done well... Or at least graduated... Or you have a couple of re-exams in your future.

    17. Either way – YOU'RE DONE FOR NOW, so rejoice!

    18. You can finally let loose and party it up!

    19. But on the other hand, you might not have done so well, and bombed this.

    20. And your emotions will be flying all over the place.

    21. And you start re-thinking everything, and try to pinpoint where it all went wrong.

    22. But then you come to the realisation that people aren't perfect, and this isn't the end of the world.

    23. And that you can always give a re-exam.

    24. And your friends will be there to help you through this trying time.

    25. And no matter what actually happens, this is when everyone goes their separate ways so your #1 priority should be to go out, have a great night with your friends, and celebrate the fact that YOU'RE OFFICIALLY DONE.