Aziz Ansari Just Proudly Instagrammed His Dad On An Emmy Billboard, And Man, Is It Hella Cute

    Can he be nominated for the "Most Adorable Dad" award?

    Aziz Ansari's hit show Master of None saw him work alongside his real father, Shoukath Ansari.

    And it was a unanimous opinion that Ansari senior was pretty damn adorable.

    Just watched all of Master of None. A few things: I absolutely fell in love with Aziz's dad and Noel Wells. I need more.

    I hope Aziz Ansari's dad wins the Emmy for Master Of None

    Well, Master of None agrees, and they just put up an Emmy consideration billboard announcing their bid for Shoukath Ansari to be nominated in the Outstanding Guest Actor category.

    Let's hope Shoukath gets that call soon.