14 Eye-Opening Facts About Indian Men And Their Relationships With Their Dicks

    Agents Of Ishq went on a mission to uncover the relationships Indian men have with their penises. They discovered a ​*lot*​. (Like, it turns out 50% of men name their members, and examples of names included Shakti Kapoor, Chota Bheem, Bhai, Wongbong and Luls.)

    Agents of Ishq, a platform intended to dispel the taboos around sex in India, recently conducted a penis survey.

    They asked a sample group of about 1,000 Indians various questions about their ~members~.

    "The idea was to talk about the body not as the object of other people’s scrutiny or approval, but to begin talking about our own relationship with ourselves in terms of sex and the body," they wrote.

    Here's what you need to know.

    1. 65% of men in India are comfortable with their penises.

    2. But only 16% are actually proud of their members.

    3. 43% of men have sent a dickpic, of which 18% were unsolicited.

    4. 80% of men said they look at their lil' pal every single day.

    5. 16.5% said they look at it once in a while, and 3.5% said they never look at it.

    6. 50% of men do not name their penises. The half that does mentioned names like "bhai", "wongbong", "juggernaut", "luls" and "sparky".

    7. 6% of those who named their penises used celebrity names, including Shah Rukh Khan, Chota Bheem, Darth Vader, The Hulk and Shakti Kapoor.

    8. 53% of men said they compare their penises to others'.

    9. 57% of men said their idea of the "ideal penis" is inspired by the porn they watch.

    10. The majority of Indian men said they feel excited when, in a sexual situation, someone sees their penis for the first time.

    11. 49% of dudes believe their partners like their penises.

    12. 88% of Indian men surveyed said they've never been shamed or bullied about their schlongs.

    13. 36% of males want to change the length of their penis while 22% want to change the girth.

    14. And 46% of Indian men wouldn't change a damn thing.

    You can check out Agents Of Ishq's original survey here.