All The Ways "Ginny & Georgia" Nails What It's Like To Be Biracial

    Usually, shows gloss over the identity issues biracial folks struggle with.

    If you’re like a lot of Netflix users, you’ve probably been binging Ginny & Georgia the past week. Or, if you’re like me, you’ve already finished it. Look, the show isn’t perfect, but it definitely has its moments of greatness.

    So no, the show definitely hasn’t nailed down its tone, but it did get one thing right: its depiction of Black-white biracial adolescence.

    Unlike other shows (I’m looking at you, Euphoria), Ginny & Georgia acknowledges the unique struggles Ginny faces by being half-Black and half-white in a predominantly white community.

    Ginny sits on a couch with Austin, Georgia, and Paul

    However, the show doesn’t focus the entire story on Ginny’s racial identity (i.e., Mixed-ish). The show acknowledges Ginny’s identity without centering the entire plot on it.

    Here are 12 things that Ginny & Georgia gets right about adolescence as a Black-white biracial kid.

    Ignorant teachers will make assumptions about your education and your intelligence.

    Mr. Gitten tells Ginny: " if my class proves to be too much for you, I suggest you do yourself a favor and move down to regular English, OK?"

    Your non-Black friends might gaslight when you say you've experienced racism.

    Getting your hair done with your non-Black friends presents a whole unique set of challenges.

    Ginny pulls at her curly hair in the mirror

    You’ll be tempted to modify your more "ethnic" features in order to fit in.

    Ginny wears a birthday crown

    You’ll be expected to be an expert in “Black culture”...

    Ginny and Zion at a poetry cafe

    ...while also being expected to seamlessly assimilate with your white friends.

    Max, Samantha, Norah, Abby, and Ginny sit on the floor

    You’ll be accused of “acting white.”

    Ginny wears a Britney Spears costume

    You’ll be drawn to hanging out with your Black classmates...

    Bracia talks to her friend in the cafeteria

    ...but at the same time, you'll be afraid that they’ll reject you because of you're biracial.

    Ginny and Bracia talk in the bathroom

    Your white friends won’t understand the problems you face.

    Ginny talks to Max in class

    You might be tokenized as the “sassy Black best friend” by your classmates.

    Ginny in a photo booth with her friends

    And finally, your parents can't relate to your identity issues.

    Ginny has dinner with her family

    Did you enjoy Ginny & Georgia? Let us know in the comments.