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    Have you seen the media lately ? the magazines revolves around about who gained weight , who lost , who's in rehab , who's gay . Since when pointing out other people became entertaining ? Entertainers , artists , actors , models , are people like us they have their good moments and bad moments but no one is allow to judge , WE ARE NOT GOD ! . Bullying is a rising problem in the world , some people ask why , i'll tell you why , we are not happy with ourselves , we see satisfaction in seeing others fail , tv programs and magazines with the latest gossip is bullying and some people prefer to buy those magazine than a good book ! The gossip industry ( as i call it ) is a million dollar industry and it keeps growing ! that's says a lot ! why our we so fascinating by the life of others ? STOP MAKING THESE PEOPLE RICH! DON'T LET THAT" BUSINESS " mind get you ! making others feel bad about their weight , sexual preferences is life threatning ,a lot of people have problems with these because society has put a label , " Be skinny " " Be Perfect " , and you can't be gay because that's a sin according to some . lots of celebrities have talk about the pressure the media puts them and they used it to get their experiences and a positive message out there We need to learn to accept others as they are ! in the weight that they are , the sexual l preferences , their dreams . I'm 19 years old since ,when i was 13 years old , i started battling with low self esteem and eating disorders , is being a though journey but i'm here to tell you that you have to love and yourself , follow your dreams , and yes ! you can admire others , but you can't live their lives , i encourage you to accept your flaws your imperfections ! Beauty comes from the heart , and it shows in the outside , instead of pointing others help them ! instead of making fun of others , have sympathy ! and instead of trying to live a fantasy ......


    here are some quotes to get you motivated!

    Listen to the Queen! - Madonna

    Jared Leto ( Sigh! ) one of my crushes !