15 Problems Only Mom-Bloggers Understand

    Your mommy blog started off as celebration of your children, who now only distract you from your mommy blog.

    1. You make your kids do art projects you know will look pretty on the blog.

    2. On the rare occasions when you see people IRL and try to tell a story, they’re like:

    3. You have inappropriately passionate feelings towards your most frequent commenter.

    4. When you tell your kids to get ready to go somewhere they ask if there's going to be a schwag bag.

    5. You completely lose it when you run into the Dooce lady at BlogHer .

    6. You’ve started to formulate all your thoughts in listicle form.

    7. The children might be howling for dinner, but it will not be served until it’s arranged into a photogenic panda face.

    8. You can't even enjoy other mom-blogs anymore because you're constantly comparing your posts to theirs.

    9. Your recurring nightmare is that you create a detailed post — with a slideshow — and then your kid unplugs the computer before you save it.

    10. When you follow someone's blog and they don't follow you back, you’re like:

    11. Your children are really, really sick of being asked for quotes.

    12. You stay up so late crafting posts that most mornings you’re too tired to actually parent.

    13. Instead of taking your kids back-to-school-shopping, you look for sponsorship opportunities.

    14. You get excited whenever a new article about the “mommy wars” comes out, so you can write a response to it.

    15. And then there’s the day when someone tells you that your blog makes parenting better for them, and you know it’s all been worth it.