eBay Is The New Pinterest

    Well, not really. But the redesigned site now looks — and acts — just like it (minus the eight million photos of "better than sex cake").

    Before you pass this video off as boring, just give it a chance. Does it remind you of anything?

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    This is a preview of eBay's new look, as presented by fashion people. Because, you know, yay shopping!

    Maybe it reminds you of, oh, this other big ass site called PINTEREST.

    Here's what my eBay page looks like when I login.

    When I search for other things, like "Givenchy," eBay gives me the option of "following" them.

    Follow a few things, and this is what your page will look like.


    The sexy Pinterest-esque redesign may make sense for eBay since users spend a lot of time on the site. As of February, Pinners were spending more time on Pinterest on average per month than Twitter, LinkedIn, and Google+ combined, and eBay might want the redesign to encourage users to approach the site similarly obsessively. Pinners who use the site as a portal to buy stuff on other retail sites also spend more — $168.83 on average — than Facebook ($94.70) or Twitter ($70.84), making its appeal to retailers obvious. And eBay is basically the biggest consignment shop in the world. Besides, the old eBay looked pretty janky.