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    Feelings For A New NHL Season, As Told Through "Mighty Ducks" GIFS

    The NHL started its 2013-2014 season on Tuesday. As with all new sports seasons, you may be feeling a mix of emotions. The Ducks are here to guide you through it.

    Sadly, summer's over.

    But hockey's back!!

    It's okay to have mixed feelings.

    You might have bad memories of last year. Maybe your team didn't make it.

    Maybe they made it to the finals and fell short.

    Or, maybe they won it all and came out on top!

    You're allowed to feel sad that some of your favorite players may have left or retired.

    And it's okay to be embarrassed by some of your less-than-favorite players on the team.

    But you never know, some of the new ones could be your new favorites.

    There ARE some new rules to get used to, like the no-removing-helmet-to-fight rule.

    But each new year brings new promise.

    SO put on that gear and GET EXCITED.

    You know you can't wait to hear that goal song.

    And see some gorgeous plays.

    And some great goals.

    And make some new friends who love this game just as much as you.

    There's no other sport in the world like it.

    And this year, we get a full season to feel it all again!