I Just Discovered Kim Kardashian West Was On "Cribs" In 2007 And These Pictures Show How Dramatically Different Kim Lived Then Vs. Now

    Back when she organized closets for Paris Hilton and actually had a toilet.

    It's well known that Kim Kardashian West and Kanye West live in a $50 million abandoned museum.

    While scrolling on Facebook through the typical doom, gloom, and problematic posts from people I went to high school with, I came across a video MTV posted of Kim showing off her house on Cribs in 2007.

    Because I have literally nothing better to do and I want to post something totally meaningless and brainless, I decided to compare Kim's new house with her old house.

    This is Kim's hallway now.

    We still have no idea what they keep in that little box at the end of it, but it *has to be* a shriveled-up troll hand or Rumpelstiltskin's whiskers or something like that.

    This was Kim's hallway in 2007.

    It's honestly cute — like, she must have gone to HomeGoods on a Sunday with Kris to get everything.

    This was Kim's piano in 2007.

    There's a bunch of nice family photos on the top of it.

    The piano was in a room that can best be described as "everyone's aunt's living room in the '90s."

    This is the piano room now.

    They perform ritual human and animal sacrifices here.

    For part of the year, they put piles of green pumpkins in the corner.

    This is what Kim's kitchen looked like in 2007.

    The center of the home for the Kardashians!

    Look how happy Khloé was to be there!

    Kim said she made these cookies.

    She definitely didn't.

    Kim also showed off the fridge. This is what it looked like.

    As we all know, Kim has like three kitchens and four fridges in her house now.

    This is her pantry room.

    And this is her walk-in fridge. There are like 20 varieties of shredded cheese.

    This was Kim's living room on Cribs in 2007.

    I'm pretty sure they took the plastic off the furniture just for the occasion.

    This is the living room now.

    It makes me feel cold and slightly uneasy.

    This is Kim's bedroom now. It's honestly really nice — I don't even have anything bad to say about it.

    And this was Kim's bedroom in 2007.

    Because it was 2007 and most celebrities were "really into" stripper-pole fitness classes, she had a stripper's pole installed there.

    Kim also had a slightly creepy glamour portrait of herself as a child.

    This was Kim's closet in 2007.

    It reminds me of Myspace.

    This is Kim's closet now. It's basically a Bloomingdale's.

    Lastly, this is Kim's bathroom now.

    It's her interpretation of The Shining.

    And this was her bathroom in 2007.

    From what I can tell, that's a completely normal toilet.

    Like, there's an actual toilet paper dispenser.

    Like, someone actually shits there.

    The end.