16 Beautiful Bookshelves Guaranteed To Give You Serious Envy

    The most beautiful bookshelves you ever did see!

    1. This home collection that I literally wish I could get a library card for.

    2. This absolutely dreamy space that is doing everything right.

    3. These rainbow shelves with candles to match.

    4. And these shelves that scream sophistication.

    5. I hope you're not sick of color-coded libraries, because you have to see this one with a white piano!

    6. And this one has a ladder that Belle from Beauty in the Beast would definitely approve of.

    7. If you're tired of all the rainbow books, this library is a bit moodier.

    8. And this neutral collection is very easy on the eyes.

    9. If you're over all the white shelving, how do you like this unique display?

    10. And for those of you tired of color-coded books AND white shelves, I give you this chaotic masterpiece:

    11. Or how about this gorgeous space?

    12. There's something oh-so-romantic about this display:

    13. And look how pretty and pink this one is!

    14. Can't you just feel the warmth emanating from this picture?

    15. And if this isn’t the best seat in the house, what is?

    16. Ok, maybe this seat.