17 Times Luke And Lorelai Were Too Cute For Words On "Gilmore Girls"

    The revival was worth it just to see them get married!

    1. First, when Lorelai helped Luke paint the diner and their chemistry totally jumped out:

    2. When they teased each other like fifth-graders:

    3. When they went on a picnic lunch together and shared a moment:

    4. When they talked about meeting "the right person" to have kids with (and we all knew they were thinking about each other):

    5. When even Emily knew there was something between Luke and Lorelai:

    6. When they FINALLY kissed in Season 4:

    7. When they first became a couple and Lorelai took every opportunity possible to tease him about it:

    8. When they slow-danced at Liz and T.J.'s wedding:

    9. When Luke told Lorelai he was all in:

    10. When Luke built Lorelai an ice rink to cheer her up:

    11. When Lorelai admitted Luke was the first guy she'd ever truly loved:

    12. When Lorelai spontaneously proposed and Luke immediately said yes:

    13. When Luke saw Lorelai in her wedding dress and just melted:

    14. When Luke planned a huge, elaborate party just to make Lorelai happy:

    15. When Lorelai admitted her marriage to Christopher could never work because it was always going to be Luke for her:

    16. When Luke told Lorelai he would never walk away again, no matter what:

    17. And finally, when they FINALLY got married in the revival and all was right in the world:
