26 Movie Categories That Are 100% Specific And 200% Amazing

    Netflix, take notes.

    In case you're out of the loop, there's this app called Letterboxd where people can make profiles to rate and review films, as well as curate all the playlists and categories for movies that your heart desires.

    The official logo for Letterboxd.

    Well, the other day, I was perusing the app, and I came across these categories and lists that are SO NICHE, and yet, everyone will 100% understand them.

    So, here are some of the best lists Letterboxd has to offer:

    1. "Coming of age movies that aren't Booksmart or Superbad and are actually good":

    2. "Movies with a lot of layers, that will f**k with you in any way possible and you will need a couple of days and minutes to analyze it":

    3. "Time travel films where the protagonist ends up either having to kill themselves or go right back to the start again, stopping the movie from ever actually happening":

    4. "Good movies with no sex scenes to watch with your parents":

    5. "All the times Hollywood made film adaptations of the first installment of a beloved young adult book series, except the film was so poorly received that they gave up on adapting the rest of the books despite foreshadowing and cliffhangers in the first film":

    6. "Movies where the protagonists are left alone in a nice house for the weekend and they trash it, but then the homeowners have to come home early because of unforeseen circumstances involving their youngest kid, so the protagonists have to hurry to clean...":

    7. "Women have superior taste, that is why these masterpieces are called chick flicks":

    8. "Classic literature but with ~teens~":

    9. "Movie scores I listen to while doing homework":

    10. "Watchlist for if you’re emotionally damaged and enjoy putting yourself through incredible amounts of mental pain":

    11. "Movies where a character is involved in an incident which briefly impairs their hearing and leads to us hearing 'EEEEEEEEEEEEE' for a few seconds to symbolize this":

    12. "Movies in which a hetero white man with a god complex is rude to literally everyone for his own personal gain and sense of achievement":

    13. "Films containing a scene where a charming psychopath dances to an incongruously upbeat song whilst committing violent acts":

    14. "Mélancholy as a Breathtaking Aesthetic Emotion":

    15. "Distinctive films that fill the void when you’re lonely or completely destroy you when you’re happy":

    16. "Christopher Nolan films ranked by how gay the main characters are":

    17. "Daniel Craig Plays An Investigator Who Enlists The Help Of A Younger Female Protagonist To Solve A Mystery Centered Around The Familial Problems Of Christopher Plummer’s Wealthy Character Cinematic Universe":

    18. "Journalism movies":

    19. "Movies where somebody tries to impress their love interest by giving them a first edition of a classic":

    20. "Movies that have the craziest last 15 or 20 minutes":

    21. "Women ending men":

    22. "Movies in which an A-list actor plays a lonely white guy with a creepy mustache who falls in love with someone/thing he shouldn't":

    23. "Mid-90s Australian movies with a grinning Toni Collette on a white background, raining confetti, and rainbow-colored text":

    24. "Jessica Chastain films ranked by how many men she outsmarts":

    25. "Rachel McAdams in a romance movie where she provides emotional support to a white man who can time travel":

    26. Lastly, "Movies with titles that suggest an unsolvable state of affairs for their characters that are ultimately contradicted by their course of events":