Henry Lau Has Heart-Shaped Nostrils And It Will Blow Your Mind

    I don't think I've ever been more impressed by someone's nose...

    In celebration of the release of A Dog's Journey, we had one of the stars from the film, Henry Lau, talk about his firsts...

    ...And let's just say these firsts got a little nosey:

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    When we asked Henry about the first time he was recognized in public, he talked about a hilarious fan-interaction where the fan was more excited to see his nostrils than Henry himself:

    HE'S NOT LYING. They REALLY are heart-shaped.πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡πŸ‘‡

    Yup, never unseeing! 😍😍😍

    Can't get enough of Henry? Make sure to check him out as a canine in A Dog's Journey, now playing in theaters!