29 Primary School Tweets That Hit Me Right In The Feels

    "golden time on a Friday at primary school >>>>>"


    UK Primary School Books Starter Pack


    Did anyone else’s primary school ban them from playing British Bulldog cause everyone kept hurting themselves or 🤨


    When dinner lady in primary school said i can’t leave till i finish whats on my tray https://t.co/pRRUWFLcp7


    i still don’t get why at primary school when it was YOUR birthday YOU gave sweets to your classmates?


    the most embarrassing thing you could ever do in primary school was accidentally call your teacher mum


    Taking a phone to primary school was like smuggling drugs tae another country


    Wish I could go back to primary school where the only stress was getting the nice whiteboard in class


    If you never had to walk the register to the reception in primary school you’re too young for me


    How unreal was Christmas in primary school, spend the whole of December doin absolutely fuck all, givin out Christmas cards, thinking ur fuckin sick bringing ya cocktail sausages to the Christmas party, the nativity. What a bloody time


    did anyone else have that rumour in primary school that maccas cheeseburger buns had so much sugar in them, they have to put the pickle on or else it legally has to be called a dessert?? As if there’s like dessert laws


    Saying 'ameen' instead of 'amen' at the end of primary school assemblies was my biggest rebellion.


    The excitement that came with changing from using pencils to using pens in primary school >>>>>>>>>>>>>


    Fuck lads remember being chosen to go to the photocopier in primary school and you’d go and put your hands where the paper comes out to feel the sweet fresh warmth of that páipéir being dispensed and sometimes you put it up against your cheeks that shit hit good


    does anyone else remember that circular robot device that you use at primary school and you could program it to go forward/backwards for X amount of time and make it change direction ???


    Remember in primary school how we used to sing in assembly halls. The way teachers got one side to sing & then the other side to sing the same song but starting 3 seconds later was kinda certi


    Do you know what was live ? When it was the end of the year in primary school and you went to see your new teacher and classroom


    can you remember in primary school when someone would ask to join in the game and you’d be like “it’s not my game” and they’d have to go find the kid who’s game it was 🤣 what was the crack wi that like


    primary school was so much easier because your social status was determined by how tall you were and how fast you could run


    When I was 7 the funniest thing I could possibly hear was my entire primary school singing "I was cold I was naked were you there were you there".


    golden time on a Friday at primary school >>>>>


    remember how exciting it was when you moved places in primary school? i haven’t felt a rush like that since


    mind at primary school discos where aw the boys wid put their arms roon eachother and jump up n doon instead of just dancing normal ?


    Every girl in primary school that wore these was a snitch https://t.co/WpexQLA3Iv


    kids in primary school today have iPhones. Man when I was their age I used to spread glue on my hands wait for it to dry and peel it off


    Do u ever think back to how a teacher treated u when u were younger n just think wtf ? When I was in primary school me mam put a masi bag of fizzy sweets in me lunch box n I was pure buzzing then this teacher came n told me I shouldn’t be eating them n nabbed em off me🤣🤣 eh


    I defo spent the majority of my primary school life trying to get my gooey alien pregnant


    Did u guys use to do some weird greeting in primary school where you said ‘GOOOOD MORNING MS .... GOOD MORNINGGG EVERYYYYONEEE’ or was my school just dumb


    Primary school assemblies were actually a motive, busting out Jesus tunes with the whole year giving it kumbaya my lord


    Cause if you didn't have any of the Winnie the Pooh bags did u even go to primary school ??