16 Sleepwalking Stories That Will Amuse and Maybe Terrify You

    From talking dogs to humans that pee in the oven, there's lots of adventures to be had in your sleep.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community for their strangest sleepwalking stories, and their responses are all kinds of weird! Enjoy!

    1. The talking dog?:

    "My girlfriend stopped me early one morning as I was heading out the door, car keys in one hand, my dog's bed in the other, wearing just a t-shirt and underwear. Apparently I was on my way to CVS because our dog told me she needed some snacks." —ajhpants2

    2. The muffin sucker:

    "I was in the living room when my sister walked in, sucking on a Costco muffin with her eyes half shut. I, thinking she was awake, said, 'What are you doing up?' She lowered the muffin strangely, and responded, 'Mmm fuck' and went back into her room. I still remind her of this moment years later." —angelissac

    3. The sickly sewing machine:

    "Once while sleepwalking I apparently made my mom check my closet because I thought my sewing machine was throwing up in there and I couldn’t stand the smell. Still can’t figure that one out." —sierrac4e4b30cb5

    4. The runaway toddler:

    "When I was five years old I sleepwalked out of my apartment complex. I woke up two floors up, knocking on random doors, trying to find my home. Thankfully, a sweet elderly couple opened the door and returned me to my parents." —jordant40b2a3bd3

    5. The apple thief:

    "I don't really like apples. So, for about a week my husband keeps finding half-eaten apples and telling my daughter to stop leaving half-eaten apples around. She denied it was her the whole time and we just kept on her. One night my husband took a pretty damning video. I come wandering out of our room and make a beeline to the fridge. I grab an apple and sit on the couch and DEVOUR it, then drop it in his lap and fall back on the couch, still out cold. It's an extremely unflattering video and has provided us and a ton of friends hours of laughter." —brookelulehuas

    6. The yogurt incident:

    "I used to sleepwalk a lot when I was around 13–14 years old. One time I woke up in the kitchen, at the counter, completely covered in blueberry yogurt." —lizzkd

    7. The very odd sleep aid:

    "I came down from the top bunk and walked out to the living room where my brother was and asked him for a knife. When he asked me why I said, 'because I can't sleep.'" —thoseredboots

    8. The black tongue:

    "I woke up in the middle of the night with a can of black spray paint in my hand and my mouth burning. The propellant really clears out your sinuses." —marcsolursh

    9. The over-eager texter:

    "A few years ago, my husband was a chairperson for a local animal rescue, and was frustrated that their monthly meeting had been postponed multiple times. He woke up one morning to find that he had messaged nearly every person in his Facebook and phone contacts, 'WE NEED TO MEET NOW. THEIR VERY LIVES DEPEND ON US'.....at 2:30 in the morning. It was a long, long day of sending everyone, 'Sorry, wrong person!'' —maryalo

    10. The rainy wake up:

    "Once, I climbed out of my window and laid down in the bush underneath my window. I only woke up when it started pouring down rain." —kaitlynmarie7413

    11. The Robyn hunter:

    "When I was a kid I slept over at my friend Robyn's house. Robyn fell asleep but her sister and I couldn't, so we went downstairs to watch a movie. We saw Robyn coming down the stairs. We were like, 'What are you doing?' and she said, 'I'm looking for Robyn.' I told her that she WAS Robyn and she said, 'I KNOW THAT! I'M GOING TO FIND HER.' and her sister said, 'SHE'S RIGHT HERE GO BACK TO BED' and she muttered something and went back upstairs. Robyn didn't remember anything the next day!" —chelseaf22

    12. The adorably fancy meeting:

    "I used to sleepwalk a lot when I was little and one night when I was 4, I went downstairs to the kitchen, got some wine glasses out, and poured ginger ale in each one. I took them to the living room where I had a very classy meeting with my stuffed animals around the coffee table." —ashleyc408fc4ccb

    13. The worst room service:

    "My brother once walked around the whole house in the middle of the night and went into everyone’s bedrooms, took their blankets off their beds, and then threw them in the wash down stairs. Yeah everyone was pissed off." —danadellag

    14. The bathroom snooze:

    "My mother LOVES to tell the story of when I was five or six and she found me DEAD asleep, sleepwalking to the bathroom where I methodically took off all my clothes, folded them neatly, stacked them behind the toilet, and then sat on the edge of the bathtub just snoring away." —Annette 'Izzy' Marie, Facebook

    15. The poo in the shoe:

    "I pooped in the hallway closet in a shoe. I'm not sure how much time passed before my dad opened the closet door and found my little present." —nowmaddiesays

    16. The terrible houseguest:

    "I pissed in my friend’s oven." —Zack Swank, Facebook

    Note: Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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