

Well what do you want to know about me? My name is Amber, and I live in a small town here in Northern Nevada, I am married to my best friend, rock, soul mate, lover for almost ten years now. I am a momma, we have two kids Em and Geoff, and we also have two four legged kids, Tanalooc and Stitch. I breath, I dream, I laugh and I cry, I put my pants on one leg at a time just like everyone else that I know, and I do know that my family is the most important thing to me. I think that Cancer is evil, since it robbed me of my father just when we were building a really good friendship, and I am still learning how to live with that loss every day of my life. I am an honest person, and I am a quiet person around people that I don't really know, I know that when I am like that I come off as a bitch, but I don't mean to be, and that is something that I am changing for the better. I tell it like it is, and that is something that I will never change, when you talk to me, I am being myself, and you are seeing my real personality, I have high expectations of what it is that I want for and from my family, and if I am done with you, I will not talk to you ever. As I have proved in some cases. I also voice my opinions and if some people don't like it, to bad, that is what I think, and get over it. If you don't like what it is that I have to say then don't listen to me. I have had my share of disappointments and heartbreak in my life, not to mention betrayal for lack of a better word, but instead of being a bitter or cynical person about it, I have learned from those mistakes and moved on with myself. I am very lucky to have the people that are in my life, I treasure each and every one of them in a different way. And the ones that were in my life and are no longer in it, it is there loss. Because they are missing out on someone that is a really good person. But like they say you live and you learn. I am Wiccan, and I am learning more and more about my religion every day, and I am enjoying every minute of it. So I think that is it, if you have any questions, just ask me and I will answer them for you. Blessed Be.

Sep 2010
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