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    10 Ways You Might Accidentally Become Obsessed With Benedict Cumberbatch

    From a simple admiration of his talents to full blown Benediction in 10 simple steps. I'm warning you...

    1. Watching the BBC's "Sherlock" for the first time

    2. Finding this interview

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    Because you're now addicted to "Sherlock" you clearly need to read/watch everything to do with it, ever. You can't help but think how charming and articulate Benedict is, and somehow Irene Adler's voice pops into your head... 'Brainy's the new sexy' and you're suddenly very appreciative of his sexy, sexy brain. 'It's purely cerebral' you think, just appreciating the man for his talents, that's it. But looking at some related videos... that can't hurt!

    3. Then this one

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    And you're thinking that this is probably the most amazing thing you've ever heard. Again, appreciation of talents! Benedict Cumberbatch, Alan Rickman and Elton John all rolled into one? It's Christmas! In the back of your mind though, you're secretly thinking that you find it all a bit freaking cute, I mean, no you're not.

    4. Followed by this self-deprecating speech

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    By this point, you're smiling like an idiot and blessing the existence of youtube for the pleasure of watching this. I mean, he's so humble and lovely. You also find yourself wanting to hunt down and berate the person who wrote that he was, 'horse-faced, ass-named, wooden and untalented' because clearly they are fucking crazy. Suddenly you are overcome by the need to watch everything he's ever been in, because, and only because, he's such an exceptional actor. Yes, that's definitely the reason.

    5. "Parade's End"

    6. "Star Trek Into Darkness"

    7. And this deleted scene

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    Not only are you impressed that the same man who plays the lithe, sexy Sherlock Holmes can also pull off the hulking (still sexy) Khan, you also find yourself cursing whoever decided to cut his very important shower scene.

    8. Finding this gif...

    9. Watching "Sherlock" for the 2nd (etc.) time...

    10. Making a BuzzFeed list about him