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Advice To My Freshman Self

Your future self knows what's up. Sign up for an Amazon Prime Student six-month trial at no cost to you, and save time, money, and take advantage of those sweet student deals!

"Hang out with people who are nothing like your high school friends."

—James L.

"Spend time working on things you are passionate about."

—Jason S.

“Don’t feel intimidated or awkward. One day, many moons away from today when you embrace your awkwardness, you'll kind of even make money off of it.”

—Leslie R.

"Find every opportunity to make friends you can — join societies, talk to people in the classroom, get involved in revues...but don't settle with the first ones you meet. College is time to find your tribe, so take the time to search for your right people."

—Kate L.

*long island accent* "Not every internship is worth ya' time, kid."

—Jake R.

"Take as many fun electives as your schedule will allow. You won't regret taking beginners interpretive dance or glass blowing. It's a great way to learn a new skill and have some fun, as well as meet people outside your typical friend group."

—Kristen B.

"Please don't straighten your hair."

—Jordan S.

"Try to be less frivolous with your money. Don't feel like you have to dress fancy to impress people. And buy your textbooks online instead of in the campus bookstore."

—Ayla S.

"Maybe you should actually study for that music test..."

—Tyler H.

"Umm...don't work so hard."

—Sam B.

"Go and hang out with some people other than your boyfriend. Cultivating new friendships, trying new things out of your comfort zone, and just being young and wild in your college years is something you'll regret not caring more about when you get older. I live this regret — trust me."

—Mandy C.

"I know you're shy, but be brave and join the improv team. You're going to end up being friends with everyone who did after you graduate, and you will have missed out on four years of fun times and friendship."

—Anne P.

"Just know that it's going to get easier...and that you're going to do great."

—Dan M.

Incoming freshmen: Save time and money for the things that really matter. Amazon offers savings on textbooks, plus Amazon Prime Student gets you FREE two-day shipping on the college gear you need. Make the most of your freshman year, and welcome to your Prime.